~2012 is just days away; the year
everyone seems to be talking about. Some folks like to interpret the alleged
Mayan prediction as being the literal end of the world as we know it. Some
folks claim that the world is not going to end, but this particular
civilization will. Other folks believe it’s not going to be the end of
anything, but stand firm on the belief that a shift in consciousness will occur
causing structure to collapse and people to awaken to the bigger picture. Just
like Y2K, I don’t think anything of great magnitude is going to happen. Thousands upon thousands of people will gather in Times Square to watch the ball
drop, wish each other a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year and by the time
they recover from their hangovers on January 1st, the same shit will
start all over again. We will continue to make the same mistakes, swallow the
same lies, follow the same traditions, believe the same illusions and allow the
faceless controllers of the world to create distractions and continue to pull
the strings.

~Are we on our own? I certainly
hope not, because if we are, judging from our past history and recent events,
we’re doomed! I would love to be convinced beyond the shadow of a doubt that there
is a God of Love sitting on a heavenly throne who we can summon at a moment’s
notice to intervene in our affairs and make all things right. I don’t know of a
time in Biblical history, from when man first acknowledged the God of Abraham,
that there was ever a day of peace on Earth. If this God of Abraham is real,
why has he been so removed from the hearts of men that they can kill, cheat,
lie and ravage the planet which nourishes them? Could it be the God of Abraham
is just the figment of one man’s imagination who won favor with his people
simply because of the gratifying promises they needed to hear? If actions speak
louder than words, there certainly isn’t enough action occurring to prove this
particular God’s existence. The God of the Bible seems more like wishful
thinking. This doesn’t mean I don’t believe in a Creator. The One I need to
believe in is just too big to put in a box.
~Have earthlings been visited by
other life forces? Logic tells me that humans of past civilizations were either
very much advanced, or alien beings were here to help our primitive ancestors
along. Explain the mathematical precision of the Pyramids, the plumbing in the
lost city of Pompeii, or the location of Stonehenge aligning with the
latitudinal and longitudinal position of the winter and summer Solstice? How
could early civilizations, such as the Egyptians and Mayans, have known Earth’s
place in the solar system and invented advanced calendars when future
civilizations reverted to believing the world was flat? Where did the knowledge
disappear to?
~Do humans have eternal souls
inhabiting temporal physical bodies and is life just a recurring chain of
events whereby we ultimately become one with the Creator when we attain the
highest level of consciousness? Not a bad thought and it certainly makes more
sense than being banished to Bogey Land or meeting our deceased loved ones on
golden streets beyond some pearly gates. Is all physical life just a means of a
Spiritual Creator entertaining himself? Is the gift of life we live strictly for
the purpose of fulfilling the Creator’s personal need of expression? Does each
of us eventually return to and become One with the Source of all creation?
~I don’t know the answer to any
of the above questions but I do know that anything’s possible. My resolution
for the New Year is to be more open, more positive and more loving. I will
openly admit that I can’t be sure of anything except for the fact that one day
the physical body I inhabit will perish. If another journey is awaiting me, I
welcome it. I only hope I learned a few lessons in this lifetime that will
bring me closer to home. In the meantime, I wish everyone a happy, healthy and
prosperous New Year and a step closer to the Light.
Thanks John for a very thoughtful post. You ask very important questions and I like how open you are to finding what ever the answers might be, yet your wish and vision is for the answers to be enlightening and a guide home. I wish this for us too. All the best in 2012.
ReplyDeleteThanks Richard for taking the time to comment...much appreciated! All the best to you as well.